Basecamp: Leadership Blog


Who do you want to become?

Jun 24, 2024

Who do you want to become?

There are many ways motivational frames we can use to set goals, but this one absolutely one of my favourites.

While working with a group of business owners in Quebec last week, I was in awe listening to their answers.

I want to become…

…a leader who has the energy to play with my kids after a long day at work

…a leader who has the capacity to allow my kids to fail and learn on their own

…a leader who has the wisdom and emotional awareness to repair estranged relationships

When we are clear on who we want to become, we empower ourselves to navigate challenges and conflict with intention. All moments where we have the opportunity to show others - and most importantly ourselves - our character.

There is nothing more important to me than being a great partner, and a great dad. Earlier this month I asked my wife Jen to do a short Partner360 for me to make sure I was crystal clear on how I was showing up.

One of the questions I asked Jen was, “What do you NEED from me, and am I giving it to you?”

Her answer?

Tough to hear. Truthful. And incredibly helpful.

In the past, I’ve wanted to become some who…

…scheduled my life, before my meetings

…actively sought feedback from others without being defensive

And, today? Today, I want to become someone who gives others the benefit of the doubt when they make mistakes. A leader, partner and parent who collaborates instead of criticizes.

How about you? Who do you want to become?

Let me know below in the comments <3